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We are still a very young association. Anyone interested in pediatric emergency medicine can join us!

Your application will be checked by the board and you will be informed as soon as possible.

If you are specialized in (Paediatric) Emergency Medicine (or aiming for specialization) as a doctor or as a nurse, please become an ORDINARY member of PEMS. Extraordinary membership will only be granted under special circumstances.

Criteria for Ordinary Membership


A federal or recognized foreign medical specialty in pediatrics or pediatric surgery or any doctor who meets the criteria for the acquisition of these titles according to national guidelines.


Nursing staff working in pediatric emergency rooms with nursing diploma (HF/FH).

Applications are sent to the president. The application must be supported by at least one member of the PEMS, the name of this member must be enclosed with the application. The annual meeting decides on the admission after prior examination by the board.
Full members have the right to vote and are eligible for all positions in the association.

Annual fee 70.- CHF

Criteria for Extraordinary Membership

Doctors and nurses, as well as other persons with special connection to pediatric emergency medicine.
Applications are to be sent to the president, the general assembly decides on the admission after prior examination by the board.
Extraordinary members attend the annual meeting in an advisory position.

Annual fee 40.- CHF


A federal or recognized foreign medical specialty in pediatrics or pediatric surgery or any doctor who meets the criteria for the acquisition of these titles according to national guidelines.


Nursing staff working in pediatric emergency rooms with nursing diploma (HF/FH).

Applications are sent to the president. The application must be supported by at least one member of the PEMS, the name of this member must be enclosed with the application. The annual meeting decides on the admission after prior examination by the board.
Full members have the right to vote and are eligible for all positions in the association.

Annual fee 70.- CHF

Criteria for Ordinary Membership

Doctors and nurses, as well as other persons with special connection to pediatric emergency medicine.
Applications are to be sent to the president, the general assembly decides on the admission after prior examination by the board.
Extraordinary members attend the annual meeting in an advisory position.

Annual fee 40.- CHF

Criteria for Extraordinary Membership

After you hit the “Submit” button we will send you an email with a confirmation and will get back to you as soon as your registration is accepted.

Membership Type
Ordinary Member (70.- CHF per year)
Extraordinary Member (40.- CHF per year)
For Doctors: PEM-Title FMH

Work: Address and Phone Number

Home: Address and Mobile Phone Number

Preferred Address for Correspondence
Work Address
Home Address
PEMS Member Supporting my Registration

After you hit the “Submit” button we will send you an email with a confirmation and will get back to you as soon as your registration is accepted.

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